Google+ "It's already good for rankings" news

Google  hasn't even been around 6 months yet, and it's considered a major player in the social media realm. It regularly draws comparisons to both Facebook and Twitter. But, Google  does have one thing going for it that currently Facebook and Twitter doesn't: it's good for rankings... in Google. Imagine that.

At the BlogWorld Expo in L.A., Alltops, Guy Kawasaki and Human Business Works President Chris Brogan had a very interesting discussion about all things Google .

During the session, a question was raised "Is there now connections between google plus and search rankings?" Brogan stated that:

"Google doesn't index all of Facebook right now. It's a lost cause for SEO, they're also no longer indexing Twitter. Google does index anything publicly for Google "

It should be noted that Facebook doesn't allow it. Kawasaki chimed in that this is probably a direct result of the relationship between Facebook and Bing.

If you Google Chris Brogan's name, you'll see his Google  stuff shooting up the rankings. The same holds true for anyone. When you post something publicly it'll begin working for you, he states "It's a Google thing".

Brogan would go on to say:

"Google has such advantages, I don't see how they can't be a success with Google  ... I'm amazed that people are so skeptical, especially those in the tech press".

It'll be interesting to follow this and see if Google  does reach the level that both Brogan and Kawasaki think it can.      
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